Photo Credit: Guy Raivitz


Danny Siegel Still Lecturing!

Contrary to popular rumors, Danny Siegel has NOT retired, and indeed, is still working hard as ever. He continues to travel the continent, talking Torah, Mitzvahs and Tzedakah at synagogues, JCCs, Federations, Day Schools, universities and more. Contact Danny now at

Danny Siegel is one of the world's greatest experts on philanthropy. Since 1962, he has lectured in hundreds of communities on the topic of personalized Tzedakah and Tikkun Olam (Fixing the World).

He is the founder of and was chairman of
Ziv Tzedakah Fund,
which distributed nearly $14,000,000 from 1981 until 2008 when it ceased operations.

Danny has been referred to as a Mitzvah Maniac, The Feeling Person’s Thinker, and the Pied Piper of Tzedakah!

RADIANCE (Jewish Publication Society, 2020) is the first anthology of the most important writings by Danny Siegel, spanning and renewing fifty years of his insights, interspersing soulful Jewish texts with innovative Mitzvah ideas to rouse individuals and communities to transform our lives, communities, neighborhoods, and the world.

As a teacher, Danny describes the creative and often startling ways individuals and communities have brought compassion, justice, and kindness into the world.

As a scholar, he offers translations and commentaries on both familiar and obscure Jewish texts that emphasize values, caring, and leadership.

As a poet, his lyricism illumines moments in Jewish history and the cycle of life with a special power.

Both inspirational and pragmatic, this anthology offers practical guidance on using Danny’s classic and novel works in personal living and in Jewish organizational settings Ultimately, in exploring the dynamic interaction between heroes, texts, and ourselves, Siegel seeks to engage each of us in discovering our own radiant potential for creative Mitzvah living.

Edited and with a full introduction by Rabbi Neal Gold, and a Foreword by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin.

Available now in Paperback or as an E-Book

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